Splosh - 40 Signature Number
Reference: SIGN40
Splosh - 40 Signature Number
Splosh Signature Number 40 - Surprise someone on their special birthday with a Signature Number from Splosh. Remember the special birthdays for years to come with all the personal touches.
Mark your special occasion forever with signatures and messages from everyone who shared it with you. Use as eye-catching party decorations and as a heartfelt birthday gift for them. Pass the wooden number and marker pen around to all your guests at the party and let them leave a touching personal message sure to make your big birthday is one to remember.
The Signature Number comes boxed and is also provided with a black marker pen. Also try using other colours to create the unique keepsake that the birthday deserves. Our range now covers 16th, 18th 21st, 30th, 40th, 50th, 60th, 70th and 80th Splosh signature numbers to help you celebrate in style and make effortless memories with loved ones.
The stand and number measure approximately at 29 cm X 22.5 cm, containing plenty of room for everyone to get involved and write on.